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Create DaqInfo

In this tutorial, we will re-use the setup from before to scale (aka calibrate) the input in the manner, that the output graph shows physical values in x (value) and y (time) axis.

The following steps must therefore be performed:

  • Apply a known signal to the input
  • Calculate scaling and offset factors
  • Adjust the time axis
  • Create the DaqInfo object and perform a second measurement


DaqInfo consists of the following:

  • BoardInfo

    • type: The type of daq-board

    • samplerate: Wanted samplerate to be set

    • (other parameter: see Reference)

  • InputInfo

    • gain: The gain applied to the input channel.

    • offset: The offset applied to the input channel.

    • delay: The delay in sample periods for this channel.

    • unit: The unit of the measurement.

    • ai_pin: The analog pin on the Arduino Due board

Value axis scaling (InputInfo)

In this step, we will do a scaling of the value axis (the physical measurement value)

  1. Connect the Function Generator:

    Use the following wiring setup:


    Connect the "inner" part of the BNC connector (signal) to the A1 pin, and the GND to the GND pin.

  2. Configure the Function Generator:

    Set the function generator to output a signal with the following properties:

    • Waveform: DC
    • Amplitude: 0.5 V
  3. Enable the Output of the Function Generator.

  4. Prepare a script to read the average value

    from daqopen.duedaq import DueDaq
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def read_one_daq_block(daq_device: DueDaq):
        daq_device.start_acquisition() # Start the acquisition device
        data = daq_device.read_data() # Read one block of data
        daq_device.stop_acquisition() # Stop the acquisition
        return data
    # Create an instance of DueDaq and search for the device
    myDaq = DueDaq()
    # First Setpoint
    input("First Setpoint: apply 0.5V and press enter")
    data = read_one_daq_block(myDaq)
    low_value = data.mean() # Calculate average to remove noise
    # Print average
    print(f"Value of A0: {low_value:.3f}")
    # Second Setpoint
    input("Second Setpoint: apply 3.0V and press enter")
    data = read_one_daq_block(myDaq)
    high_value = data.mean() # Calculate average to remove noise
    # Print average
    print(f"Value of A0: {high_value:.3f}")
    # Calculate Gain and Offset
    gain = (3.0 - 0.5) / (high_value - low_value)
    offset = offset = gain * high_value - 3.0
    print(f"Gain: {gain:.5E}   Offset: {offset:.5E}")
    # Scale data
    A0 = data*gain - offset
    # Plot
    plt.plot(data_ts, A0)

    In this script, the following steps are performed:

    • Acquire the data for the first set-point (low-value) and calculate the average value
    • Acquire the data for the second set-point (high-value) and calculate the average value
    • Calculate the gain = (set_point_high - set_point_low) / (high_value - low_value)
    • Calculate the offset = gain * high_value - set_point_high
    • Apply gain and offset to the last reading and display the data

    You will see an example output like this:

    First Setpoint: apply 0.5V and press enter
    Value of A0: 616.640
    Second Setpoint: apply 3.0V and press enter
    Value of A0: 3761.301
    Gain: 7.94998E-04   Offset: -9.77193E-03
  5. Visualize the adjusted data image-20240927082645604

    As you can see, the average value is now exactly at 3.0 V as expected!

Time axis scaling

Now we will also do a scaling of the x-axis to view real timestamps and not sample numbers.

  1. Configure the Function Generator:

    Set the function generator to output a signal with the following properties:

    • Waveform: Sine
    • Frequency: 100 Hz
    • Amplitude: 3 Vpp
    • Offset: 1.6 V
  2. Prepare script for reading some data packages and measuring the time

    from daqopen.duedaq import DueDaq
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import time
    # Create an instance of DueDaq and search for the device
    myDaq = DueDaq()
    # Start the acquisition device
    # Remember start timestamp for checking the samplerate
    start_ts = time.time()
    number_of_samples = 0
    # Read 10 block of data
    for i in range(10):
       data = myDaq.read_data()
       number_of_samples += data.shape[0]
    # Remember stop timestamp
    stop_ts = time.time()
    # Stop the acquisition
    # Calculate Samplerate
    samplerate = number_of_samples/(stop_ts - start_ts)
    print(f"Calculated samplerate: {samplerate:.1f} samples/second")
    print(f"Set samplerate: {myDaq.samplerate:.1f} samples/second")
    # Plot corrected time axis
    data_ts = np.arange(data.shape[0]) / myDaq.samplerate # Time Axis value in seconds
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(data_ts, data)
    ax.set_xlabel("Time in seconds")

    In this script, the following steps are performed:

    • Start the Acquisition and remember the start timestamp
    • Perform an acquisition of 10 Blocks and count the samples
    • Remember the stop timestamp
    • Calculate the samplerate: number of samples acquired divided by time which was needed to acquire the samples

    Example output:

    Calculated samplerate: 49991.4 samples/second
    Set samplerate: 50000.0 samples/second


Create DaqInfo

Now, let's collect all the data in a toml file to load it the next time (including placeholder for the other channels of the board):

# This is a Arduino Due DAQ Configuration File
type = "duedaq"
samplerate = 50000 # Samplerate to be set

[channel.A0] # This is the channel we inspected now
gain= 7.94998E-04
offset = -9.77193E-03
delay = 0
unit = "V"

This file will be used in the following tutorials together with the Channelbuffer to demonstrate more advanced use cases.